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7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 2)

— 1 —

My Mom recently shared a cute story about my youngest sister, Madison, who is five years old. Mom was emptying out the very full vacuum canister, and when Madison saw it, she proclaimed, “This is the job my husband’s going to do!”

She is such a princess. If her vocation is marriage, her future husband will be so lucky, but he will also have his hands full.

— 2 —

Do you like beer? What about bread? Then you must try this beer bread recipe! I made it on Sunday evening. It was so easy to make, only four ingredients, and Mark and I really enjoyed it. Get the recipe here. If you like your bread a little more soft, I’d recommend baking it about 8-10 minutes less than the recipe suggests. Expect it to be dense, rather than light and fluffy.

— 3 —

I read a great post over on Jon Acuff’s blog about why it took Tiger Woods so long to be awesome again. So often, we fool ourselves into thinking we can segment our lives into neat little categories that don’t impact each other. I used to live this way with my faith, keeping it tucked away until each Sunday rolled around. Jon’s post is a great reminder we have one, whole life.

— 4 —

Did you know in Illinois you have to get a license to host a raffle at a public event? Neither did I. We were hosting a 50/50 raffle for a local nonprofit, Shining Light, at a fourth of July festival, but had to stop due to this law. It is a bummer because we had a lot of interest in the raffle. Lesson learned.

— 5 —

I received an email this week from a vendor trying to convince me to use their services. One of the primary reasons they say I should pick their company? It is a woman-owned business. I think this is a lame differentiator. What do you think?

— 6 —

I had Wednesday off work for Independence Day. Mark and I spent a wonderful day together, and I’m so grateful we had the opportunity to relax midweek. That being said, it really messed with my mind and body clock. Thursday was like Monday #2, and today most certainly does not feel like a Friday.

— 7 —

Why is it so socially acceptable for women to objectify and belittle men lately? I’m hearing about all these married women going to see Magic Mike, and I can’t help but wonder if they’d be 100% ok with their husbands going to see a movie about strippers and talking incessantly about how much they are looking forward to it.

Kate Bartolotta wrote a good post, “In Defense of Men” that highlights the ways in which many women are being sexist.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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