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“You should’ve seen it in color” – Picture 2

Picture 2


The obvious:
This is a picture of me and one of my childhood friends (Meichelle) in first grade dressed up as pilgrims.

What you can’t see:
We are in a loud, crowded cafeteria with the entire first grade. Some kids are dressed up as pilgrims and some are dressed up as Native Americans. I can’t remember what we ate, but I know there were Thanksgiving type foods served finger food style and some kids were throwing food.

I was happy I got to be a pilgrim because the pilgrims made bonnets. This picture was featured in the local newspaper, along with a brief write up about how Lawrence Township students were taking time to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Aside from being deliriously giddy about being in the paper, I remember posing for this picture and answering the reporter’s questions as the first time I realized writing for the paper was actually a job. I don’t know how the first grade version of me thought the articles appeared everyday. All I know is that I was excited to learn that people could be paid to write in the same way that my parents were paid for owning and operating an HV/AC company and a daycare.

How this picture makes me feel:
Happy. I have fond memories of first grade and this experience. Mrs. Maines was my first grade teacher, someone that I still cite as one of my favorite educators. It was in her class that I discovered a love for poetry while memorizing “Sick” by Shel Silverstein. I’ve neglected this passion since I graduated from college.
This photo also brings up a lot of fun memories with my then best friend, Meichelle. From sleepovers to singing to picnics at Richardt Park, we always had a good time.

*Title of the post is a line from “In Color” by Jamey Johnson. Buy it here!

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