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7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 10)

— 1 —

Mark traveled to Georgia for work the early part of this week. We did something super fun while he was away – a video chat while he was on the plane, thousands of feet up in the air! We’ve video chatted before, but this was different. I could see the plane in the background and hear the noises. It was so cool. I took a screenshot while we were talking because I was so excited. I realize being this happy about having internet access while on a plane makes me a giant nerd.


Mark on the plane

— 2 —

The company I work for opened a new office in downtown Chicago yesterday, and we hosted an open house to celebrate. We had a great turnout, and it was lots of fun being welcomed into the area. The catering company made delicious food, and they did this adorable arrangement for the caprese skewers I intend to copy for a certain sister’s upcoming bridal shower. They cut head of lettuce in half and then stuck the skewers into it with toothpicks. I never would’ve thought to do so, but I love it!




— 3 —

Speaking of my sister’s upcoming nuptials  we ordered our bridesmaid dresses! I can hardly wait to wear mine. My dress is the perfect combination of fun and sophisticated. I won’t spoil the surprise by sharing exactly what it looks like, but I’ll definitely post pictures after her big day.


— 4 —

All the news about the Pope’s resignation, plus the poor reporting that doesn’t even deserve to be called news, has been kind of overwhelming. It never ceases to amaze me the way everyone in the media immediately jumps to conclusions about scandal, etc. I’ve mostly been ignoring it. I did, however, see this cool educational “Fantasy Conclave League” on twitter and had to share.

It is kind of like fantasy football, but for guessing who the new Pope will be. And it is free, and you can win a prize from the site’s sponsors if you are right. I recommend checking it out!


— 5 —

Enough said.

It's On The Internet Catholic Meme

— 6 —

I’m married to the most awesome man ever. Case in point: Tonight he said, “I’m going to make you some bacon for breakfast tomorrow.”

I can’t resist a man who makes me bacon. <3


— 7 —

We are going to celebrate my husband’s and sister-in-law’s birthdays tomorrow night at our house, and I’m going to try to make a banana pudding poke cake for dessert. Saw it on Pinterest of course. The husband loves banana cream pie, so I think it will be a winner. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

Banana Pudding Poke Cake

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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