I’m quick to confess and apologize when I’ve wronged someone. I’ve always viewed this as a blessing because I know it is hard for some people to admit when they’re wrong, but lately I’ve noticed there’s also a negative side to over-apologetic behavior.
I apologize unnecessarily if it will keep the peace. I do it at work, with my family, to the woman that bumps into me at the mall because she isn’t watching where she’s going, etc. I even caught myself apologizing for the weather once. I do think I’m awesome, but we all know that is one thing I can’t control!
Saying “I’m sorry” has become such a habit, half the time I don’t even think about the words before they escape my lips. How little must those words mean to my friends and family when I utter them so often?
I’m a firm believer that we teach people how to treat us with our responses and right now I’m teaching everyone that I’m perpetually guilty of this or that. If I always assume things are my fault, others will surely follow suit. I’m going to make a big effort to quit apologizing when I don’t mean it, so if you catch me saying sorry unnecessarily, please ask me why.
Nice to see this article about apologies being viewed as a sign of strength.