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14 reasons my Mom rocks

Last week, my Mom had a milestone birthday. I won’t mention which one (you’re welcome, Mom) but I will share 14 reasons my Mom is one of the greatest people I know!

1. She taught me to view challenges as adventures.

My Mom rarely complained about anything while I was growing up, even when she had plenty of reason to do so. I remember once someone “borrowed” her car without her permission, leaving us stranded at home without any groceries. Instead of feeling sorry for herself and getting upset, she turned it into a fun day where we walked to a bunch of our favorite places like the local pancake house, the park, and Dairy Queen. Her positive attitude shaped my worldview in a way that has made it easier to for me to embrace change and cope with the unexpected.

2. She always has a plan.

Ask any of my sisters, even five year old Madison, what my Mom’s go-to phrase is and we will most certainly reply, “here’s the thing…” She is always working up a plan for whatever is going on around her and she will gladly share it if you are within earshot.

3. She can’t keep a secret…unless it is really important.

If you want information to be private, don’t tell my Mom. Unless, of course, this information is very important. One of the only secrets I can remember my Mom keeping from me is that of my impending engagement. On a family trip to Disney World, my husband, Mark, asked her and my stepfather for their blessing before he proposed to me later that evening. She kept this secret for an excruciating 8 hours. Well done, Mom. She has since asked my sister’s boyfriend NOT to tell her when he is going to propose because she could hardly handle it once.

4. She makes me feel safe.

Bad weather scares the pee out of me. The first hint of a storm, and I’m glued to the weather channel, contemplating whether or not I should be taking cover in the basement. When I was a kid, whenever we had a tornado warning that required us to huddle up in the center of the house, all I had to do was snuggle up in my Mom’s arms and all was right with the world. There’s nothing like my Mom’s hugs.

5. She is one hot mama.

A few years ago, my husband and I were at my Aunt Sandy’s house looking at my cousin Emily’s photo album when we came across a picture from when I was about 10 years old. My husband said, “Who is that?” about the woman standing next to me in a tone that was pretty obvious he thought she was a hottie. It was MY MOM. Enough said.

6. She is never more than a phone call away.

I call my Mom almost everyday, and I know my sister and Aunt do, too. She always makes herself available to us, even if she has other things to do. I remember one time in particular when I called her at 2 a.m. in college sobbing and blabbering on hysterically about some boy who dumped me. She was supportive, sympathetic, and loving despite the fact I woke her (and quite possibly the rest of the house) up with my off hours phone call.

7. She was “Crazy Mary” when I was in high school.

This was the nickname my friends and I had for her due to the extreme boundaries she set for me. (We’re talking a 9pm bedtime as a high school junior, folks!) This really ticked me off at the time and I felt like I was untrustworthy. Turns out, I was.

As soon as I was out from under “Crazy Mary’s” watchful eye, I went a little wild. I can only imagine where I would be if she had honored all my requests for going out, etc. in high school.

8. She is incredibly generous.

My Mom knows you can’t take money with you when you die, and she lives her life accordingly. She often gives from her need, rather than her excess, and she’s told me time and time again, “It’s only money!”

Much to my husband’s dismay, I often misuse this phrase to justify my shopping habit.

9. She has great taste in music.

Rod Stewart. The Monkees. Jason Mraz. Toby Keith. Pink Floyd.

My Mom’s music taste is about as varied as they come and I’m so thankful it is. It has definitely influenced me to be more open to all types of music. I have great memories of rockin’ out in our full-size van on family road trips – complete with her red bandana headband holding back her permed curly brown hair as she danced to the music. She also does this fist knocking move I catch myself doing in the car. (Ask me to show you sometime.)

When her jam comes on, she says, “Oooo, great tune!”

I now say this, too, in her honor.

10. She is very intelligent and loves to learn new things.

My mom made excellent grades in school. She was always eager to help me with my homework growing up, and she devours books faster than she can buy them. Despite her extremely busy schedule with two young kids, she recently went back to school to get her CDH certification (Child Development Home Provider). I’m pretty sure she got straight A’s!!

11. She puts others first.

I know this is a symptom of being a mother for many, but my sweet mother takes it to an extreme. She is care taker and shoulder to lean on for more people than she probably even knows, and she always puts the needs of others before her own, even to her own detriment. I’ve never known her to turn away from a call for help or volunteer opportunity.

When I was in elementary school our baby sitter, Danielle, had a really rough home life. My Mom didn’t hesitate to let her move in with us to escape the dangerous situation.

12. She has a flair for story telling.

She is a great story teller and can really build up the drama and details in a story to pull you in and make you feel exactly what she’s feeling. Maybe this is due to having a daycare for 20+ years. I think you’d have to have an engaging personality to keep 3 year olds interested. What is their attention span these days, 30 seconds?

13. She can be friends with almost anyone.

My Mom is best friends with my five year old little sister, her 90 year old neighbor, and everyone in between. Her warm personality and ability to withhold judgement make her a friend many are lucky to have. She also has a way about her that makes people feel comfortable opening up and confiding in her…which is both great and kind of scary considering the difficult time she has keeping secrets. LOL.

14. She says yes to life, no matter what.

As a college student she received a little surprise. Me! There are many who would have elected to end the pregnancy to finish school, so she could have X, Y, Z and provide a better life for her future children. I’m incredibly thankful my Mom chose life for me. This choice led her into a difficult marriage, and was definitely NOT the easy way out.

A few years later in her marriage, she discovered she was pregnant again. Many would have justified ending the pregnancy as doing the baby a “favor” and sparing the unborn child from the sometimes turbulent home life associated with domestic violence. Instead, my mother chose life and my beautiful sister Cassandra was born.

Fast forward several years later to a new, healthy marriage and she goes through a painful surgery so that she can become pregnant with my dear sister Gabrielle. My stepfather didn’t have any biological children, and my Mom thought it was important, despite the fact Cassandra and I were old enough to be self-sufficient(ish) and she would be “starting over” with a newborn as many put it. Again, she chose life.

In her mid-forties, she has another surprise pregnancy. It is very high risk and she is placed on bed rest for almost eight months, a situation that would require her to miss my college graduation ceremony. Still, she chose life, sacrificing her own physical, emotional and financial well being to bring my sweet sister Madison into the world.

On this milestone birthday, and everyday, I’m so thankful for my Mom. If my Mom has touched your life, leave a comment sharing your story or the impact she’s made. I know she’ll love to read it!


  1. I am so blessed to be able to have 2 wonderful Moms.

    So many of my friends and co-workers complain of their ‘monster-in-law’, and the horror stories they have had. They DREAD when they have to see their in-laws.

    They will tell me stories of what has happened and then finish with ‘you know how it is’. I am proud to say that I respond with ‘nope, I really don’t’.

    I couldn’t have asked for a better mother-in-law, and i am honored to have such a strong, loving and caring mother-in-law.

    PS – Thanks for raising such an angel in Adrienne.

    • Adri Adri

      Thanks, Marianna! I enjoyed your post, too. Really loved the part about it being more expensive to stay home than go on a vacation. I’ll have to try that one on my husband! Haha.

      The fiction writing is slow going, when it goes at all. I have trouble making time for it a priority. I see you are writing a fiction novel for young adults. How is that going?

      God bless!

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