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5 things I’m NOT going to do in 2013

Everyone in the bloggy universe has been writing posts about the goals they will achieve in 2013. Well, I’m jumping on the bandwagon, with a little twist.

I’m going to tell you 5 things I’m NOT going to do in 2013, in no particular order…

1. I’m not going to nag my husband to drink more water. (You’re welcome, honey.) I not-so-secretly believe many health problems can be prevented and cured by drinking adequate amounts of water. And I nag everyone, especially my husband, about the lack of water they consume.

2. I’m not going to spend the majority of my reading time on poorly written novels targeted at teenage girls. Not to say I’m abandoning them altogether (I’m only human!) but I need to catch up on some of the classics I haven’t read yet. Ashamed to admit as an English major, I’ve never read 1984, The Grapes of Wrath, or A Tale of Two Cities. Also, I received tons of great books about faith for Christmas and my birthday, so those are definitely moving to the top of my “to read” pile.

3. I’m not going to avoid talking on the telephone at all costs. I avoid the phone in a pretty extreme way now, and I know I could be better connected to my long distance family and friends if I made peace with the fact a phone call may be the best way to keep in touch when we can’t see each other regularly in person.

4. I’m not going to participate in gossip. This one is going to be especially hard for me because while I’m not a big repeater of gossip, I am a big listener. For a while, I thought this was ok, but it makes me just as culpable as if I were repeating it. I’d be hurt if I knew people were repeating or listening to details about my personal life, so it only makes sense that I’d respect others by avoiding it.

5. I’m not going to minimize or try to negate compliments. I have this lovely habit of telling people why they are wrong when they pay me compliments. For example…

Friend: “Your hair looks really cute today.”
Me: “Oh, thanks. I could really use a hair cut.”

This behavior is self deprecating and I’m not ok with it. 2013 will be the year I break myself of this habit.

Feel free to hold me accountable for these! What are you NOT going to do in 2013?


  1. Rae Rae

    I love your list! I’m not going to join in with your first resolution, because it is actually helpful for us. The one thing that I have found though is that it is even better if I just hand him a glass of ice water rather than ask him about it. But I’m totally with you on the rest.

    • Adri Adri

      That is a great technique!! I wonder if that would be considered nagging, if I just handed it to him now and then? I almost went as far as ordering him one of those electronic water bottles that tells you when you’ve hit your daily intake requirements. I know it is out of hand. I push water because I love. Haha.

  2. Simply as a sidebar – I think your hair looks cute… just sayin’

    • Adri Adri

      Thank you! šŸ™‚

  3. […] been pretty good so far about sticking to my “5 Things I’m NOT Going To Do in 2013” list, especially with accepting compliments more graciously. It really is sad the number of […]

  4. What a great idea! I could definitely learn to be better about taking a compliment. According to my husband I’m terrible at it, which makes him less likely to say anything. Yikes! I also hate talking on the phone. I can’t stand the awkward silence!

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