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7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 19)

— 1 —

While I maintain that weather is the go-to topic of conversation when you have nothing else to say, rest assured that is not the case here. I just have to share this really weird thing I saw.

Yesterday evening, the snow removal company for our homeowners association was using backhoes to carry snow out of our YARDS and then dumping it into open fields. I’ve seen them remove snow from the driveway, street, sidewalks, porches, but never yards. It was very bizarre. I can only assume they were doing this because we are expecting another snowstorm this weekend, and that otherwise they would’ve had no where to plow the snow from our driveways. Before the yard plowing, we had 4 foot snow walls on either side of the driveway.

This morning on the news, I heard it was the 8th snowiest winter on record, and the 3rd coldest. Crazy winter indeed!

— 2 —

I’ve been in super organizing mode lately. No surprise there for anyone who knows me, organizing is my thang. (Can I pull that off? No? I didn’t think so either.)

Ahem, anyway. In the 7 years we’ve been in our home, we’ve accumulated a lot of stuff. As part of the organization process, I’ve been deciding what to keep, sell, and donate. I have a HUGE pile of stuff to either sell or donate. Normally, I would pack it into the car and make a few trips to Goodwill to donate everything. But I have so much stuff this time (trying to simplify!), I’m wondering if it makes sense to have a garage sale. Our neighborhood has one every July that is pretty well attended, so it isn’t like I’d have to drum up visitors.

What are your thoughts on garage sales? I love visiting them, but dread the thought of having one. My husband feels the same way, so I’m trying to decide if it is worth it. What would you do?

— 3 —

The nonprofit I work with has recently seen a 350% increase in the number of clients we serve. To support this rapid growth, we’re having a campaign to raise 7k over at Check it out, and donate some of your treasure or prayers if you can!!

— 4 —

I saw this article and it really bothered me.

“It Happened To Me: My Doctor Refused to Refill My Birth Control”

I agree if someone called to make an appointment to get birth control with this doctor, they should’ve been informed that they had to see someone else rather than learning of this news the day of the appointment. That is just inconsiderate and rude of the practice. It is expensive to take off work for a doctor’s appointment and not everyone has a schedule that is flexible/an understanding boss who will let them take more time off.

What bothered me was the statement the author made below.

“I just hope that the message gets out enough for people to realize that when you’re in a professional position, you have to leave your morals at home.”

Checking your morals at the door when you leave your house would make for some pretty hazardous working conditions, in any industry. I wish people would think through to the logical conclusion of statements like this before making them.

— 5 —

December was my 6 year blogiversary! I neglected to celebrate until this week because I’m a sorry excuse for a blogger. Check out my top 10 posts from the last 6 years anyway.

— 6 —

So in my last 7QT post I mentioned my new-found love for crocheting. I’m making a blanket right now and it is going really well, despite the fact I made it almost 6 feet long. I’m regretting that choice now, believe me. I don’t want to share a picture because I think it is going to be a gift, but I do want to share a YouTube channel that has been very helpful to me as a crocheting newb.

Crochet Guru

— 7 —

Buzzfeed posted this article, “23 Signs You’re an Awkward Individual,” and I laughed the entire time I read it because it was clearly written about me. But I’m not going to own up to #7 and #11. Those things I can do.

Can you relate to any of them?

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Have a great weekend! 🙂



  1. I read that article; it looks like it was a walk-in clinic and it looks like the patient was informed before any money changed hands. I agree that an ob-gyn or family practice doctor that does not prescribe bc should be up-front about this because so many people expect it.

    • Adri Adri

      That is a good point. I kept reading clinic but must’ve missed the walk-in part.

  2. On garage sales… they are too much for me to process. I have no tables to set things on and don’t want to just throw it on the drive, so I over think it and it feels like more work than it is worth.
    On the birth control article: when we moved to Florida, I called around and found an “NFP-friendly” husband and wife doctor set up. It was tough going in there month after month (pregnant) and seeing all the HBC ads. About a year after we moved, they decided one weekend to go all prolife and tossed all their samples! It was a very exciting moment for them. They notified all patients and gave them a year to make alternative arrangements or to stick with them and learn a method. I love hearing about doctors having a change of heart! Morals has everything to do with medicine.

    • Adri Adri

      I tend to agree about the garage sales, but my Mom just volunteered to help so that may be swaying my decision a bit. Haha.

      That is so awesome that your doc converted to an all pro-life practice!! Those are so hard to find. The doctor I see now was in the IVF space and had a change of heart and recently started a pro-life practice. It has been such a blessing not to have to advocate for my beliefs at every visit because he is Catholic, too.

  3. YES I’m super awkward and totally related with over half of those buzzfeed items.

    • Adri Adri

      Haha. The one that stuck out the most to me was “Restaurants are hazard zones.” I always joke with people that I eat lunch in my office because I wasn’t meant to eat in public. Something inevitably ends up in my lap.

  4. #4: I did one of my Quick Takes on that story as well!

    #6: Yay for crocheting! I’ve been doing it on and off for 20+ years.

    • Adri Adri

      That’s awesome, Jen! Do you have any tips for newbies or resources to recommend? I can only do one stitch right now, but I’m trying to teach myself using YouTube tutorials. (If it is good enough to learn how to install my new dishwasher, it is good enough for crocheting! Haha)

  5. Mary Mary

    In regard to the whole garage sale thing….give me enough notice and I will come help you do it. Garage sales are MY thang!! Yep….cant pull that off either!! Ha ha ha

    • Adri Adri

      You can totally pull it off! Haha. And yes, I might take you up on that garage sale help if I can talk Mark into having one. I’ll let you know the weekend as soon as the neighborhood announces it.

  6. Re #2, we feel the same way about garage sales: fun to visit, no desire to host. I’ve been trying to get creative about places to donate things. I figure we’ve had so much given to use over the years we’d be tempting karma if we tried to earn money giving it away. I’ve given kids’ stuff to the local shelter for abused kids & moms.

    • Adri Adri

      That is a great point about donations, Kathleen!

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