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7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 9)

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I’ve had a couple weeks to cope with being almost 30. Also known as 29. It is growing on me.

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On Wednesday night, I was bit by the baking bug, so I whipped up some chocolate, chocolate chip cookies as a treat for a meeting we have at work every Thursday. You can find the recipe I used here. No, it isn’t “healthy.” But it is delish.

— 3 —

I’ve been pretty good so far about sticking to my “5 Things I’m NOT Going To Do in 2013” list, especially with accepting compliments more graciously. It really is sad the number of times I’ve caught myself before something negative slipped out in response. Here’s hoping this resolution helps me break this terrible habit!

I’m still struggling with talking on the phone though. Ugh.

— 4 —

On January 22nd in 1973, Roe vs. Wade was decided by the Supreme Court. Please be sure to say an extra prayer on  Tuesday (the 40th anniversary) for those who have been impacted by this decision. Our Church is hosting a Mass for Life that evening to bring the community together in prayer over this issue.

Also, I heard about this great ministry called Rachel’s Vineyard on Relevant Radio the other day. It helps men and women cope with past abortions. Why not share it on your Facebook wall or via Twitter, in case one of your followers is suffering in silence and in need of some help?

— 5 —

The book Love Does by Bob Goff really touched my heart. I received it as a gift for Christmas, and zipped through it in a few days. When I put it down, all I could think about were the ways I can show people I love them, rather than tell them. Very inspirational and thought provoking, but more importantly as the book title suggests, ACTION provoking. I recommend reading it, with one word of caution.

He subscribes to the idea that going to Church isn’t necessary and says as much throughout the book. I obviously disagree, but still found it to be a good read.

— 6 —

Did you know there were 9 million different types of Duct Tape?!?! I had no idea. Saw this display in Menards last weekend and stood there for a minute with my jaw on the floor. Leopard print? Stripes? Polka dots? Floral? The crafting possibilities are endless. Have you ever done any Duct Tape crafts?

— 7 —

I tried a gel manicure for a wedding recently, and it lasted for 15 days. 15 DAYS!! Did you hear me? That is unheard of. During this time, I even used a brillo pad to clean my kitchen sink, which is the fastest way to get my normal nail polish to start chipping.

It would’ve lasted longer if my nails didn’t grow so fast, which I’m not complaining about. Still no chips at day 15. I took it off myself, which I do not recommend and will probably never do ever again. It was excruciatingly time consuming, and I even followed the directions the salon tech gave me to a T. It took me over 1.5 hours. Time is precious people, that is unacceptable. Never again.

— 8 —

As a bonus, you have to check this out. I’m probably late to the party, as I often am with memes and YouTube videos, but if you haven’t watched this, do.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. From my 28th birthday until my 31st birthday, I was miserable about turning, and being 30. When I turned 31, I was just way too happy to not be 30 anymore! I had a mug that said “Thirty Hurts” – yes, yes it does!

    We have WVU Duct Tape 🙂

    • Adri Adri

      That’s awesome about the WVU Duct Tape! I wonder if they have any for Purdue, my alma mater. I will consult Google.

  2. Those cookies sound amazing! 9 million types of duct tape?!?! CRAZY! In middle school one of my friends made me a wallet out of duct tape, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever!

    • Adri Adri

      I suddenly feel the need to clarify that 9 million is not the real number of types of Duct Tape…that was me being dramatic. Wasn’t sure if that was obvious to those who don’t know me personally, though I hope it was.


      The Duct Tape website claims there are 20, but this picture I took in Menards suggests their website has outdated information.

    • Adri Adri

      And now I can’t watch a football game without wondering if they are going to use that footage for another BLR segment. There have been quite a few longer interviews with coaches and players during the playoffs that would be perfect for it!

  3. Yum! I’ve been craving chocolate chip cookies, or the dough to be exact, but haven’t caved yet.

    I had a hard time coming to terms with being 25 – crazy but true.

    • Adri Adri

      I definitely ate a few cookies worth of dough while making these. I’m always nervous about it due to the raw egg, but I couldn’t help myself. I actually thought the dough was even better than the finished cookies!

      25 hit me pretty hard, too. I’m a birthday wimp, I suppose! 🙂

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