I’m really happy to report Arwen hasn’t had any bathroom accidents in months and sleeps through the night. 🙌🏻 She rings her little bell whenever she has to go out and it’s been working perfectly. (Thank you to Mark’s cousin Julie for that suggestion!)
She’s met lots of new friends in the last few months!
Not to mention all the neighborhood pups. I think more people in our neighborhood know Arwen than they do Mark and I. We were walking her the other day and a little kid yelled, “Hi, Arwen!” as he rode by on his bicycle. Mark had no idea who he was, so it was pretty funny.
Mark has solidly taken first place in Arwen’s heart. She wants to be by him at all times, and I can’t really blame her. He’s the best. <3
Being closer to my side of our family has been everything I hoped it would be. We see someone in the fam at least once a week.
We’ve been missing Mark’s side of our family a lot, but have been lucky enough to visit them (I think?) 8 times since we relocated at the end of October last year.
I know that sounds like a lot to see long distance family, but we wish we could see them every day.
One of the hardest parts about moving away is how fast our nephews are growing up and how much of that we’re missing. Every time we see them, they’ve grown so much! We so look forward to our visits with them. <3
Speaking of littles, a little update on our journey to grow our family…
I’ve been doing a ton of reading about adoption. I researched many agencies and was feeling so discouraged after uncovering terrible reviews from birth families including horror stories about coercion to place their children with adoptive families. 😢
I tried contacting Catholic Charities, our original first choice and one of the reasons we relocated to this state. They weren’t accepting new waiting families, so they didn’t have any informational nights scheduled.
Then we attended a seminar at a local agency and were surprised by how much we both loved them. A lot of their staff has experienced adoption personally as adoptees, birth parents, or adoptive parents. They get adoption is both beautiful and heartbreaking and as a result provide a lot of support to all parties involved. If we discern adoption is the right path, when the time is right for us to move forward, I think they will be our top choice agency. Please pray for our discernment in this matter!
What’s up with you lately?