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Share your faith…like a frat boy?

Opportunities for sin and wrong doing are everywhere. They clamor for our attention and submission hundreds of times a day via the radio, tv, internet, other people, etc.

I’ve often thought disconnecting myself from the things of this world would be the best way to avoid the slow brainwashing that seems to have taken so many of my fellow human beings captive. ‘If I don’t watch television or visit the mall, I won’t be tempted by a materialistic world view,’ I tried to reason. I even (ignorantly) went as far as debating whether or not I should start avoiding friends who do not share and encourage my faith.

Then one day during my morning commute, I heard a guest on a radio show say a phrase that forever changed my mentality about how we (as Christians and Catholics) are called to interact with others.

“Be a beacon, not a bunker.”

The guest was from the Catholic fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta, and the phrase above is their motto. The brothers in this frat are very different from those I frequented in the early part of my college career. Rather than dedicating the majority of their time to binge drinking, they host events that focus on liquor-free activities like sports, Bible study, and volunteer service. They care about helping each other grow in faith and love for God, but realize that doing so requires them to share their “light” with other students and members of the local community.

Now, whenever I start thinking I’d like to pack up with my husband and move to a remote part of the country to avoid contact with all of the “corrupt” people in this world, I do two things. First, I acknowledge that I, too, am among the corrupt. My imperfections contribute to the price Jesus paid on the cross. Then I think of the fraternity’s motto, “Be a beacon, not a bunker.” Both encourage me to jump down from my soap box and take action for the change I’d like to see around me.

I haven’t always lived by my convictions, and someone took the time to believe in me and show me a better way. The least I can do is try to do the same for others.

What phrases, songs, or Bible passages help you remember to be a “light” for others?

One Comment

  1. Great post as always. Whenever I see or hear someone doing something sinful, I try to reason myself into helping them refrain, however I usually chicken out at the last minute, going back in my safe ‘bunker’. I am also working on being a ‘light’ for our faith in Christianity, but not without trial of course. I couldn’t agree more though that we too are not without a ton of sin, and while we may not want to be on the receiving end of someone else being our ‘light’, I know in the long run it would do us much more good than harm.

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