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6 year blogiversary

December was my 6 year blogiversary.

It came and went and here it is already February, and I just realized I didn’t mark the mostly irrelevant occasion. To celebrate, join me in taking a look back at my top 10 posts from the last 6 years!

10. A peek into my diary

9. 5 things I’m not going to do in 2013

8. When fear tries to suffocate gratitude

7. 14 reasons my Mom rocks

6. An introvert’s guide to surviving your HS reunion

5. Why I don’t brake for birds or squirrels

4. He cares about all of it

3. Follow this ancient rule for a highly productive week

2. Will your marriage survive?

1. How an old shoe box helped me worry less and trust God more

Here’s hoping I can continue blogging for years to come! šŸ™‚


  1. Mark Mark

    I can’t wait for another awesome 6 years of great posts!

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