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7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 16)

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Ranch lovers rejoice! Inspired by a Pinterest recipe, I tried to make my own ranch dressing.

It turned out to be delicious, not to mention a fraction of the calories of the store bought version. I’ve been putting it on everything this week.

No really, everything. Now I’m not sure it is “super healthy” as the Pin title indicates, given the processed powder that you’re adding to it, but it sure is super delicious. I used almond milk instead of 1% milk and it turned out well.



— 2 —

Every so often my Twitter and Facebook feeds BLOW UP with people talking about the show Breaking Bad. My husband and I tried to watch an episode. And I hated it.

If you like it, what makes you like it so much? And did you have to watch more than one episode to get into it?

It would really take some strong recommendations and potentially a chocolate bribe to get me to watch another episode. Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll get the latter because my husband didn’t really like it either and isn’t motivated to get me to watch it. But seriously, if you like it, tell me why. I want to understand why it is so popular.


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I laughed so hard when I watched this last week during the Bears game. A must see for anyone that has tried to introduce different foods to a meat and potatoes guy or gal.



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While the ranch dressing was a wild success (hey, it is about as wild as I get these days), I’ve had a few Pinterest MEGA fails lately. One of the worst was a mock Starbucks pumpkin frappuccino. Not only did it taste nothing like the Starbucks version, but it was so bad I spit it out and dumped the rest down the drain. And those of you who know me, know it pains me to waste anything pumpkin-y. Don’t be fooled by the delicious looking picture.


homemade pumpkin frappe


You must also consider that it is possible I combined these ingredients imperfectly. I know I got the amounts right though, so the order could be a problem? I don’t know. Yuck. Just yuck.


— 5 —

While I was sitting on hold for a ridiculous amount of time waiting to talk to a live person from our health insurance company, I had a fabulous idea. Instead of hold music, which let’s be honest usually sucks, businesses should have hold jokes. Recordings of comedians telling clean, funny jokes while you wait.

It is a win for the business and the comedian. Comedian gets lots of exposure for a small investment of time recording the jokes, and the business benefits because instead of being ticked off and annoyed you made me wait so long, I’ll be laughing and in a good mood when you finally decide to answer my call. They could rotate the comedians every two weeks or so.


— 6 —

There is a 50 mile running/walking challenge for September being hosted by one of my Facebook friends (and someone I went to HS with), and I’ve decided to participate. So far I’m kind of behind at 16 miles, but I figure if I run 2 or 3 miles every day for the rest of the month I should be able to make it.

I like having a fitness goal to work toward that has nothing to do with weight or being timed. (I’m a slow, slow runner.)


— 7 —

I’m not advocating for the site that created this because I know nothing about it, but I just love this quote.

Hope you have a great weekend!


For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!



  1. chris paeth chris paeth

    I also did not like Breaking Bad, at all. Adam really does though and I still don’t understand why! I loved the Quinoa commercial though!

    • AdriMS AdriMS

      Glad I’m not the only one, Chris! It just seems like everyone I know is SO into it. I was starting to think I was missing something about it that made it such a great show.

      Lucky for me, Mark didn’t really like it either so I won’t have to watch it anymore. Haha.

  2. I must try that ranch recipe. I am a ranch-aholic. And I loved the Bud Light commercial – too funny. That was the exact reaction of my husband the first time I tried to trick him into eating a veggie burger.

    • AdriMS AdriMS

      My husband had the same reaction to a turkey burger the first time he tried it! He likes them now though, or at least doesn’t complain when I make them. ;_

  3. Different strokes for different folks; I’d despise being made to listen to a comedian.

  4. Ok, the quinoa commercial was so funny! And I need to try that Ranch recipe because my kids eat Ranch on EVERYTHING!

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