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Category: Odds & Ends

Why you should never slam on your brakes if a bird flies in front of your car

My elementary school history lessons were full of rite of passage stories. Little Johnny must kill this deer or do XYZ before he can be considered a man by the rest of his community. Even the recent movie Avatar features a rite of passage scene, where the young male members of the alien species must bond with a freaky dragon creature to be eligible for mate selection.

So what, you ask, does this have to do with braking for birds?


Is Twilight Putting Young Readers on Dangerous Moral Ground?

There has been a dramatic increase in occult activity and symbolism in main stream media in the last few weeks. From witch and demon costumes to bloody skull candles, you can find a bit of Halloween almost anywhere you go. I think we can all agree this increase is expected behavior for the weeks before October 31st. What struck me as odd this year is the extreme focus on vampires.


I’m not sorry.

I’m quick to confess and apologize when I’ve wronged someone. I’ve always viewed this as a blessing because I know it is hard for some people to admit when they’re wrong, but lately I’ve noticed there’s also a negative side to over-apologetic behavior.

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